Work as a waitress be like:
So, here is the menu!
Oh, where’s that accent from? You sound Canadian?
Naah, I’m Spanish.
What’s your name?
Just Ro.
Are you travelling or do you live here?
I live here.
Are you a local or a backpacker?
Are you gonna keep traveling or are you planning on staying?
I’m here now!
And how long have you been here for?
Over a year.
Ohhhhh you must miss your family and friends, right?
Yeah, of course I do.
Have you got a partner here or are you alone?
I'm all by myself.
Oh and what visa are you on then?
Ah, just a Work&Holiday Visa.
Ah, to be young and free!
Yeahh, right! Living the life, hey.
So what can I get you, mate?
Oh, where’s that accent from? You sound Canadian? Naah, I’m Spanish
Well... I’m from Galicia, in Spain, but I learned English in the US when I was 15. Lived in Indiana for almost a year. Then I lived in Massachusetts for 10 months when I was 23, and then, when I was 25 my job had me travelling to England and Ireland on a regular basis. That went on for 4 years, until I moved to Australia 3 years ago. So I guess my English is a mixture of everywhere I’ve been to, together with my Spanish background...
And no... I’ve never even been to Canada (yet).
What’s your name? Just Ro
Real name or Aussie-friendly name?
My name is Rocío (Spanish pronunciation), but here I go by Ro (English pronunciation). Easier.
No, Ro. “Just Ro”. Like “Row Row Row your boat”.
(they’ll still call me Rose, I know it. Or Roo. Or who knows what they come up with.)
Are you travelling or do you live here? I live here.
Well... I got here travelling and now I live here I guess. Not sure when it stops being considered travelling.
Are you a local or a backpacker? Backpacker.
Well... I’m probably a backpacker in your eyes, I do feel like a local already though, but also as a backpacker somehow. A weird mixture of both to be honest. How do we know the difference? Is there a minimum time you need to be around before you get the “local badge”? Or is there a maximum time you can be on a place before you get the “backpacker badge” taken off ya?
I bought a desk the other day and I own an air fryer, I guess that takes me off the backpacker list? Who knows. Depends who you ask.
Are you gonna keep traveling or are you planning on staying? I’m here now.
I’m not planning. I’m following whatever my gut tells me. I’m not planning on going anywhere but I’m not planning on staying either. I’m simply, not planning. My plan is to listen to me now, here, and act accordingly.
How long have you been here for? Over a year.
Here on the island, or here in Australia?
Oh, right, both.
In Australia since September 2019.
Ohhhhh, lucky you, right before Covid!
Yeah, well...
And on the island, it’s complicated. I came in March last year, but then left in January this year, and then came back in May this year.
Oh really? Why did you leave?
Aah well it’s a long story.
(blame it on the weather, blame it on the weather!)
It was really hot as well, the heat and humidity were driving me nuts!
Oh but you are from Spain, you should be used to the heat.
Nah, not really... I’m from Galicia, North West of Spain, it’s not the Spanish stereotype you are thinking of. Quite the opposite really. We are more like the Irish. We are even Celtic!
Oh really? So did you go back home when you left the island?
Well, the island is home now, but yeah, I went back to Galicia in April.
(What is home anyway?)
Ohhhhh you must miss your family and friends, right? Yeah, of course I do.
Yes I do miss them a lot.
They should come over to see you now!
Yeah, I guess it’s not that easy, but yeah, some day...
Have you got a partner here or are you alone? I'm all by myself.
No, I don't have a partner, but I don't think that means I'm alone. I'm with myself, and everyone I freely choose to be surrounded by.
And what visa are you on to be here for that long? Ah, just a Work&Holiday Visa.
Well... I first arrived on a Work&Holiday Visa but that only lasted for 3 years... They opened up a fourth one now for all the work&holiday visa holders that stayed in Australia during Covid, but even though I did, I'm too old now according to the Aussie government to apply.
Really? But how old are you?
I'm 32 now.
Wow! You look younger than that!
Well, thank you...
So yeah, 4 months ago I applied for a Covid Visa but I haven't got an answer yet, so now I’m on a bridging Visa until I get the approval (or refusal) for my Covid Visa, and once I get it, that will give me another year in Australia.
Oh, and then after that?
*uncomfortable silence cuz I don’t have an answer to that*
Oh and so that’s still on? The Covid Visa? How does that work?
Yep, that’s still on. For industries affected by the pandemic that are struggling to find workers.
Oh I see. So that gives you the right to become a citizen then, right?
Yeah, well, not really, no... I wish (hehehe). It’s a lot more complicated than that.
Really? How come? We need workers and you guys are here, you should be rewarded!
Yeah, right...
*Another uncomfortable silence cuz I don’t know what to say to that either*
their small talk